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Shuffle and Strides is a registered non for profit in Indonesia and Australia that is creating large scale awareness around mental health in Indonesia.


The organization has a functioning board of local mental health activists and is co in sided by Shuffle (Nick Royan) and Strides (Jack Ahearn) leading an awareness campaign through incredible feats of running and physical challenges. The team behind shuffle and strides believes that by bringing mental health to a table discussion you can change life’s and allow people to feel comfortable discussing mental health issues.


Shuffle and Strides has run clubs popping up around Indonesia where the subject matter is “are you okay today?. The team continues to spread a message of positive mental health through their travels and online messaging but at the top of the list is Indonesia’s first mental health awareness training for individuals, teams or corporates to become aware of the signs, symptoms and treatments for mental health disorders.

Shuffle and Strides has brought into Indonesia an internationally recognized mental health tool kit, had it translated into Bahasa Indonesia and peer reviewed by the psychiatric association of Indonesia.


This mental health awareness training is provided free of charge for individuals, who in return share their newly acquired knowledge with friends, family and colleagues creating a snowball effect of bringing mental health to light in a country that averages 1 psychiatrists per 300,000 people.


can seem like a very long time for those suffering from mental health disorders! It may seem like a very long time for those in the Lapathon but at Shuffles and Strides we believe its much easier than mental health!

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